Holding Tank

  A while back I was having trouble with the holding tank sensors. I would think that it was empty only to find out that it was full. Puzzling indeed! I contacted my good friend Will at the Car Show in Colorado Springs and he told me that my sensors inside the tank had gotten guncked up and he told me to get this stuff made to clean out your tank. I did and it didn’t work so well. When I went back and checked again it was still the same ….FULL? So I repeated the process another couple of times until the bottle was empty and it got somewhat better. The bottom light was still on the test panel and I knew that the tank was dry. So I started looking for answers (a dangerous prospect). I found the Camco Tornado. A device you install into you holding tank to rinse it out. This is just one of a number of devices you can purchase to rinse your tank, but I wasn’t sure about the Tornado until I saw this video on youtube by a guy that has a program called “The Fit RV”. The particular episode was “The Black Tank Showdown” or Comparing Tank Flushers in the Clear RV Black Tank:
   Go and watch this and you will be surprised. So I bought one of these and installed it into my gray water holding tank. It was very easy and the instructions were very explicit as well (image 1683).
 Basically you just cut out the template provided in the box, tape it to your holding tank where you want it to go (image 1680), drill five 1/8” hole where the template says to, then cut a 1 ¾” round hole in the middle hole on the tank, clean off the surface, push some silicone thru the screw holes, coat the backside of the rotary unit with ample silicone, and screw it into the tank using the other four holes (image 1679). Locate a good place for the hose fitting (the side that will connect to your garden hose…images 1681, 1682) and screw it down. After the silicone is completely dry (24 hours at least) screw the other end of the hose onto the unit and you’re ready to go (image 1679).

   I did a test run and it worked great like it should. I will be using this every time we get back from a trip unless my sensors act up. Then I will hose them down right then and there!